Jobs & MoneyMoney-Saving Shopping Tips


Only purchase food items when they are on sale. And, if the sale is very good, make additional trips to the grocery store during that sale week. When it comes to purchasing meat, shop at each store based on the time when items are being marked down. The key is knowing when each store marks down its meat, bakery, and dairy items.

Infomercials are very popular for a reason: They work. I've found some problems over the years with buying from TV infomercials. Here's how to fight Infomercial Fever, and what you should know before you buy something from a television commercial.


I may not make it a habit of searching secondhand clothes stores for my everyday wardrobe, but for those times when I do, I use these tips for buying secondhand clothes from consignment shops & thrift stores.


I've found that thrift store clothing isn't always a bargain. You have to do your homework, and know there are places you can get the same great prices on the exact same items.

Now you can see, at a glance, exactly how much each of the major delivery carriers and other popular couriers would charge to ship your package -- all on one page! Just enter your zip code, destination zip code, and the weight of your package.

Buying movies and TV series on DVD can be pricey, but we've come up withe a solution - burn them! This article shows why this method isn't difficult and saves money.

If you're like me, when shopping for items online, you probably find that once you add on the cost of shipping, it's no longer 'worth it' to buy the item online. But when you can get free shipping... well then, that's a whole 'nother story! That's where comes in...

Did you know?... Some department stores use deceptive marketing practices to lure shoppers in, and then they fake us out with 'sales prices' that aren't really good deals at all. And we're talking MAJOR retailers here! Here's the scoop...

Of all the online shopping sites, I think has the best selection... the best reviews... and the best prices. Here are 3 great tips to save even more money when shopping at