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Goodwill Goes High Tech… Check Out Goodwill’s Internet Auction Site!

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By Andrea

goodwill-logoGrowing up, Goodwill was somewhere you went when you needed to pick up a trundle bed for guest sleeping. Or, if you needed a costume for a play.

As a young adult, I went to Goodwill to furnish my home. When I had kids and saw how quickly they outgrow clothing, I realized it might be a god idea to buy clothes from Goodwill, as well.

As time passed, I began buying less from Goodwill stores, and donating more. Because I was not necessarily needy, I stopped shopping at Goodwill.

That was then. This is now.

Shop Goodwill Stores Online

Goodwill has taken a major step in upgrading their image through the use of technology.

How? With an Internet auction site called

They have won my full and undivided attention.

Through this website, Goodwill can make a lot more money than they ever could using dusty poorly organized stores that many people refuse to enter. They can also help people find treasures that they would not find otherwise.

As an example, a recent visit to showed a Stradivarius Violin selling for $421, Vintage World’s Fair puppets for $28, and a Brass Bell Wind Chime for $6.

In the end, both the customer and the Goodwill charities win. Goodwill raises more money for their charities, and buyers get great deals on collectibles that they could not get elsewhere. is the first Internet auction site created and operated by a nonprofit organization … Goodwills around the country sell a variety of collectibles, art, antiques and odds and ends on the site. Registration is free and shopping is open to the public. Source