A lot of people ask us for computer advice…
Good news. Black Friday sales are upon us, and where else can you find brand new laptops from $299 to $799 and full-size desktop computers ranging from $199 to $699 outside of Black Friday sales events?!
Here are the best deals to be found on computers at sales events taking place on the day after Thanksgiving — November 23, 2007.
At last count, there were about a dozen desktop PC’s listed, and nearly 20 laptops priced incredibly low in the Black Friday sales fliers.
Most of them come with the monitor and some include lots of fun software programs. Heck, some even come with a printer or a web-cam!
These are the best deals, in our opinion…
Top Black Friday Computer Specials
The computers we wouldn’t mind owning and would recommend for our friends & relatives:
Ones we wouldn’t mind owning…
We currently own Dell computers & love ’em. We used to own an HP Pavilion… and it treated us well for many years.
For the diehard Sony lovers…
We’ve never owned a Sony, but we know several people who have. It seems you’re either a Sony lover, or you’re not. And if you are, you tend to only buy Sony products (…camcorders, digital cameras, computers, etc.)
Worth considering for beginners…
These don’t have a lot of bells & whistles, but they would certainly be decent machines for kids, seniors, or newbie computer users.
Don’t forget to check out the “laptop bundles” that will be available at Black Friday sales events. They usually include the laptop, a digital camera, and a printer… all for one special price.
Worth considering for beginners…
Before You Buy A New Computer…