Articles Tagged:

Frugal Tips

Decorating pottery is a great way to give a homemade gift.

Want to save money on gifts this year? Make your own personalized homemade gifts like I do. Here are 5 homemade gifts that wow my friends and family.

Hit the thrift stores, ditch excessive gift wrapping, make your own holiday cards, and host a potluck party - all great you can enjoy Christmas on a budget this year!

Furniture recycling isn't a new concept but "furniture upcycling" is. Interested in saving money like me by buying recycled furniture? Start upcycling!

A tight grocery allowance doesn't stop me from eating healthy on a budget. Interested? Good food choices and a few kitchen skills are all you need to start.

I love saving money - especially when treating myself! Recently I planned a staycation close to home. I highly recommend these money-saving staycation ideas

Looking for the best ways to save money? Avoid purchasing pre-made or finished items, know the best times to buy products you need, and 4 more great tips.

Spending too much money on items you use everyday? Consider online shopping, buy generics, plus 3 more savvy tips on how to save money on household items.

Name brands cost more than store brand products (you're paying for the advertising), yet the quality is often the same. Save money and buy generic!

7 secrets for maximizing thrift store shopping and finding unique back to school clothes for young school age kids AND college students.