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Black Friday

If you're looking for one of the best bargains at the Black Friday sales this year, put this GPS unit at the top of your list! (It's definitely on the top of my list.)

This will be the third year now that I've had my eye on Black Friday sales. Each year, a handful of REALLY 'hot' items seem to make their way to the top and attract all of the media's attention... and the consumers'. Wondering what the hottest items are this year???

Even if you don't plan to participate in online shopping the Monday after Thanksgiving, you may want to be prepared for the fact that Internet speed may be significantly lagging on computers all across America, as a result of Cyber Monday.

Looking for a good deal? Maybe a gift for someone else... or yourself? Here are the Top 5 best deals to be found on Black Friday 2006.

After the huge success of 2005 Black Friday sales events, it's looking like this year will be no different. And, the best part? You can find out ahead of time exactly what's going to be on sale at your favorite stores! Here's how...

Check out the incredible prices at Black Friday 2005 after-Thanksgiving sales at major retail stores including: Ace Hardware, Bass Pro Shops, Best Buy, Circuit City, CompUSA, Costco, EB Games, Express, JCPenney, KMart, Kohl's, Linens & Things, Meijer, Office Max, Radio Shack, Sam's Club, Sears, Staples, Target, Toys R Us, Walgreens, WalMart, and many more!