Here are the biggest discounts, the best prices, and the most slashed prices that will be honored at 2006 Black Friday sales events (the day after Thanksgiving).
This is based on what I’m hearing in the news, as well as our own personal experiences and knowledge about electronics & gadgets.
The prices have been SLASHED on these items!…
#1 42″ Widescreen Plasma HDTV with HD Tuner for $988! It’s from Wal-Mart.
It is my understanding that this is the very first time that a plasma TV of this caliber has been offered for under $1,000.
The Walmart Plasma TV brings memories of last year’s laptop for less than $400.
According to ‘Spiderman‘:
I was in walmart last year. I froze my butt off for the $379 lappy. This year, I’m moving into a house in early November…and can’t decide if I want to wait to buy the big screen then, or wait. If I wait, then I’ll probably buy tools at the hardware store, or something I can flip on ebay.
#2 Kodak EasyShare C633 digital camera and printer dock bundle for $189.74.This is from Walmart.
This printer/camera bundle is similar to the digital camera and printer we purchased for our nephew last Christmas, and we got one for my brother as well. We personally own a Kodak EasyShare camera (the DX4330, it was our very first digital camera, and we still & love it & use it on a daily basis).
#3 Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS Navigation System for $499. This one’s from Best Buy.
At $200 below retail price, this is one of the specials that we are most likely to take advantage of this year. It’s a reputable name. A reliable product. And GPS is all the rage these days. (We can’t wait to start Geocaching!)
#4 20″ Widescreen LCD Computer Monitor for $199. Office Max is where you’ll pick up this great deal.
Typically, prices for these monitors range anywhere from $300 – $400, with the regular price on the one pictured in the ad stated to be $299.
#5 Practically every store that’s open the day after Thanksgiving will be selling DVD movies at rock-bottom prices — usually between $1.88 and $3.44 each.
We took advantage of this offer at last year’s Black Friday sales. As a result, we practically doubled our DVD collection in a matter of minutes! (And we spent less than $40.)