Jobs & MoneyMoney-Saving Shopping Tips

Saving Money On Golf Clubs

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By David

new-set-of-golf-clubs-by-Sands-Beach-LanzaroteWant to save some money on your next driver? How about a set of Cleveland Irons for under $200?

A nice set of golf clubs can easily cost in excess of $1,000, but it doesn’t have to!

If you know where to look, you can play with the best equipment for only a fraction of the cost.

There are 2 main ways you can buy golf clubs — online or in your local store.

There are deals in both places, you just have to know where to look. Here are some places to find great deals on golf clubs.


Buying New or Used

Like automobiles, golf clubs depreciate in value. I always try to buy them used whenever possible. If you think about it, the first time you go to hit them and take a divot, they’re considered used anyway.

There are some great deals on “like new” clubs that may have only been played a handful of times. Remember most golfers only get out and play a few times a month at best.


Buying online

If shopping online, an obvious place to look for clubs is ebay. There are good deals on ebay and you can often find a nice set of slightly used clubs for a reasonable price.

In addition to ebay, I recommend checking out Golf Club Exchange. I like to call this site the ebay for golf clubs. You can select a specific club or set. I purchased my last driver off this site for $135. The club was $400 new at that time. There were no scuff marks and the club was in great condition.


Purchasing at a local store

Play it Again Sports is a sporting goods store that will buy your used sports equipment and then resell it. For golfers, this means that they have a plethora of used golf clubs and sets.

The biggest benefit about Play it Again is their return policy. They will allow you to hit the club or clubs you purchase for up to a week and then return them if you choose. This means you can actually “test drive” your new clubs to see if you like them. If they don’t work out and you return them, you will get a full refund.

If you do shop at Play It Again, be selective. You can find some great bargains if the set has been there for some time, but not everything is a deal there.

If you do have to buy new, you can save some money if you buy last year’s model. They usually function just as well and are discounted to make room for the new year’s inventory.

Good luck and hit ’em straight!