Mystery Shoppers are being sought for Mystery Shopping everywhere!
Have YOU ever thought about being a Mystery Shopper? (I have. I actually did it once. And I got my check in a timely manner after reviewing a restaurant in the Nashville area.)
You’ve surely seen the ads. You may have even come across the Mystery Shopping websites during a search for “Work At Home”.
But if you’re like me, then you’ve probably wondered if it’s just a scam of some sort. Can you really make money doing this?
“Pink Poppy” is a real-life Mystery Shopper, and she tells us all the in’s and out’s to getting into the ‘biz.
Take it from someone who’s been there, done that… you can in fact become a bonafide Mystery Shopper and make a little money for doing it.
But, according to to Pink Poppy, you should do it primarily for fun, NOT for the serious cash flow you might desire.
She takes you through all the steps to get started, including the Application Process, Testing & Certification, and Compensation. Plus, she has lots of other great tips if you’d like to become a Mystery Shopper in your town.
In her own words:
I have had so many people ask for suggestions on how to get started that I thought I’d post them right here. Right off the bat, let me make this clear–You are NOT going to get rich being a mystery shopper. However, you can make decent spending money by working on your own time if you stay organized and market your skills and experience appropriately. — Pink Poppy
View the article yourself: Mystery Shopping 101.
UPDATE: We’ve investigated Mystery Shopping a bit more ourselves.