Frugal IdeasJobs & Money

Whether you are on your way to a birthday party, or a Christmas dinner, you don't want to show up empty-handed. Finding a last-minute gift may seem like a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some ideas you can use to purchase a last-minute gift on the fly...

Faxing, conference calls, business cards, and teleconferencing are a few things that large companies can do with ease, but small businesses need all the help they can get. Here are some FREE business resources that will come in handy... Here are some free business resources that will come in handy...

There are lots of fun and simple ways to provide gifts for all of your loved ones without putting yourself in the poor house. Here are some ideas for ways to have a frugal but merry Christmas this year...

Some experts claim that we should be stockpiling foods in anticipation of rising food prices -- a sign of lean times ahead, based on our current economy. But how do you know what kinds of foods to stockpile? And exactly how much should you be storing away?

I seem to have developed a standard uniform for everyday dress. I am sure other frugal people can attest to this. For me, the frugal uniform consists of dressing primarily in comfortable black slacks and black or white shirts. For others, it may mean wearing jeans and t-shirts. I know a few frugal men who stick to gray and navy slacks with white shirts.

As I've become more and more frugal, I've also become more prone to collect clutter. My family members don't get it. So, to combat my family's nonchalant attitude about tossing out useful items, I have become a garbage snoop. Here are just a few of the things my family has forced me to do to save money...

I don't purchased extended warranties and service plans from department stores that try to sell them to you whenever you buy appliances and electronics. I'm more apt to buy a Home Service Plan instead. Here's why...

We used to use free programs like eFax for receiving faxes and FaxZero for sending faxes. For a couple of years now, we've been using RingCentral instead. It's not free like eFax and FaxZero are. But, in our opinion, RingCentral is the best option for small business owners like us. We use it all the time. Here's why...

A recent PBS program, Escape from Affluenza gave some intersting solutions to relieve stress, waste, over consumption, and environmental decay. Here are my favorite tips from the show and the accompanying website...