Frugal IdeasJobs & Money


A recent study shows 4 types of consumers emerging from the recession. Pragmatic Spenders, Apathetic Materialists, Involuntary Penny-Pinchers, Steadfast Frugalists. Which are you?

Organize your home, save big money. See how organizing and decluttering your house actually saves you money in the long run.

If you're wondering how to save money on groceries consider bulk-buying, purchasing off-brand items, and follow the rest of these tips for saving money on groceries.

Learn one way that you can cut the cost of doing laundry in half, simply by taking one extra step with your dryer sheets.

How much do you know about barter websites? I've got inside information on 2 popular personal trading websites and business trade websites just for newbies (and those who need some tips)!

Over the years, I have tried mystery shopping a few times. Here's how mystery shopping went for me, plus some tips for making money as a mystery shopper...

Utilizing any of these new and wonderful ways to send and recieve faxes will not only help you to go green, but will save you a ton of money, as well as help you get the most out of your faxing.

The wasteful companies mentioned here are simply the few that happen to be on my mind right now after having dealt with them in person recently. Please share your own as well...

Check with your grandma -- she has tried and true ways to save money. Here are savings tips from Grandma like reusing foil and butter wrappers, really!