Frugal IdeasJobs & Money

An example of when it pays to be an impulse shopper... believe it or not.

A huge part of being thrifty for me is being natural. I find that when I focus on avoiding products that are toxic to either the environment or myself that I save a great deal of money. Here are some of the natural ways I use to save money...

I'm proof... too much clutter can cost you money. Here's what happened to me, and what I did about it. Hint: no more clutter!

We printed out some coupons from They offer specials when eating out at restaurants in your local area. Will I do it again?... Here's how it went for us.

If you have a typical American family, like me, then there are some bad habits you may not even be aware of that are costing you serious money. Here are 5 bad habits that you should break to recoup some of your household budget...

You've seen it... try before you buy, 10-day trial period, try it first. But there's usually a catch! It happened to me. I am telling this story because I am noticing this tactic is being used more and more online. And while many people catch the trick and demand their money back, many do not ever notice.


Great tips for saving money on laundry day. It's one routine chore that we can all streamline a bit in order to save a few dollars when washing and drying our clothes.

Freegans are part of a movement of people that practices 'Freeganism' -- an alternative lifestyle that involves trying to spread the word of over consumerism while at the same time trying to get the things that they use in everyday life for free. Has anti-consumerism gone too far?

We tried out the Kill A Watt electricity usage monitor this weekend. I've always wondered how much energy we're wasting in our home. And if there's a way to save money on electric bills, then I'm all for it! We've been trying to be more 'green' these days. Maybe this fun-looking little gadget will help.