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Lynnette Walczak

Always on the lookout for a good bargain, I consider myself a frugal person -- but not cheap. And not afraid to spend money on the things that matter. I like to share good deals with others when I find them. One of my favorite ways to save money is to reuse items in ways other than their intended purpose -- so I write a lot about outside-the-box ideas that most people wouldn't think of! When I'm not saving money or looking for good deals, you'll find me at the corner of Good News & Fun Times as publisher of The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites).

Matthew from Defective Yeti shares 'the best of the best tips' from people who've been there, done that. People from a variety of professions have shared their behind-the-scenes secrets to success here in 'Tricks of the Trade'.


Should you buy things new or used? The truth is, it depends on what you're buying. Here are 10 things you should never buy new and 10 things you should never buy used, according to MSN money contributing writer, Liz Pulliam Weston.

Each of the following quotes comes from the book, 14,000 Quips & Quotes for Writers & Speakers, by E.C. McKenzie. These are my favorite quotes about Christmas... and money!

Here are some little-known ways that you can save big when you're shopping -- both online and in stores. Check out these insider tips from the experts on how to shop smarter and save more money.

Even if you don't plan to participate in online shopping the Monday after Thanksgiving, you may want to be prepared for the fact that Internet speed may be significantly lagging on computers all across America, as a result of Cyber Monday.

Here are some fun sites to divert your attention from all the spending that you've probably been doing, and give you something FUN to do with your money for a change. It's FREE. It's FUN. And it's truly AMAZING when you realize how far your money has traveled... and how quickly!

Looking for a good deal? Maybe a gift for someone else... or yourself? Here are the Top 5 best deals to be found on Black Friday 2006.

After the huge success of 2005 Black Friday sales events, it's looking like this year will be no different. And, the best part? You can find out ahead of time exactly what's going to be on sale at your favorite stores! Here's how...

Here's a creative way to advertise yourself, your company, your website, your upcoming party, about a dozen other special events in your life: PhotoStamps are official U.S. postage stamps that you can put your own photograph on!