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There are lots of fun and simple ways to provide gifts for all of your loved ones without putting yourself in the poor house. Here are some ideas for ways to have a frugal but merry Christmas this year...

Here are lots of fun ways you to start a magazine swap, including making a magazine swap part of your next party or social meeting. Then again, you could always just swap with a neighbor... it's a great way to recycle magazines. There are definitely lots of fun ways to start a magazine swap!

An example of when it pays to be an impulse shopper... believe it or not.

We printed out some coupons from They offer specials when eating out at restaurants in your local area. Will I do it again?... Here's how it went for us.

Buying movies and TV series on DVD can be pricey, but we've come up withe a solution - burn them! This article shows why this method isn't difficult and saves money.

Of all the online shopping sites, I think has the best selection... the best reviews... and the best prices. Here are 3 great tips to save even more money when shopping at

It turns out that gift certificates are getting a facelift these days. Here's everything you want to know about the current state of gift cards, and a little about their future.

Did you know that you can actually put your very own picture on an official Macy's gift card? What a great way to personalize a gift for someone special. Looks like fun, too...

I recently ordered 2 different magazines on the exact same days. One was ordered directly through the publisher, the other was via a 3rd party service. Here's what I learned...