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Online reviews are super helpful when you're making a purchase, choosing a vacation destination, or buying a new car. Use this list of the best review sites before you buy!


In my own personal quest for figuring out the best way to find gifts for the holidays, I came up with a few non-traditional holiday shopping tips. Enjoy!

Hit the thrift stores, ditch excessive gift wrapping, make your own holiday cards, and host a potluck party - all great you can enjoy Christmas on a budget this year!

Here's a HUGE list of items which have been dramatically marked down lately because of the economy and current recession woes. Now might be a good time to take advantage of these things.

Here's my best collection of Black Friday shopping tips. This list covers everything you should do ahead of time, in the planning and preparation stages. As well as Black Friday shopping tips that you can't live without -- like what things you should do the morning of Black Friday and what things you should do while you're in the stores shopping and taking advantage of Black Friday sales.

Six things you should do in order to get the best deals and make the most of your post-Christmas sales shopping.

Here are some ideas for frugal party planning, no matter what the occasion... We cover food, decorations, invitations, and more.

Whether you are on your way to a birthday party, or a Christmas dinner, you don't want to show up empty-handed. Finding a last-minute gift may seem like a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some ideas you can use to purchase a last-minute gift on the fly...

There are lots of fun and simple ways to provide gifts for all of your loved ones without putting yourself in the poor house. Here are some ideas for ways to have a frugal but merry Christmas this year...