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Here are some of the ways that you can give a little AND make a difference with stuff you already own.

There are lots of fun and simple ways to provide gifts for all of your loved ones without putting yourself in the poor house. Here are some ideas for ways to have a frugal but merry Christmas this year... is a website that enables you to give monetary donations to charity WITHOUT taking any money out of your own pocket.

Kevin Bacon has put his Six Degrees of Separation to good use in a very charitable way. And you can get involved, too. It's fun!!! Now, everyone can be a champion for their own cause... and get support for your favorite charities all at the same time!

The clothing items at the Goodwill Store are typically marked between $3 and $6 each... Well, on my most recent trip there, they were having a '50% Off Everything' sale. So, you can just imagine the LOAD of clothes -- and purses, and winter coats -- I was able to get for about $70!