Frugal IdeasJobs & Money

Get Clothes For FREE: Attend Clothing Swap Parties Or Host A Clothes Swap Party Yourself!

Hosting a clothes swap party! photo by sfllaw on FlickrWhen my local news announced that they had a story on how to get an entire new wardrobe for FREE, I have to admit to being glued to the television for nearly an hour waiting for the story to play out.

When they finally broke the story, it wasn’t as huge as I had imaged, but it was still worth the wait.

The way you can get a whole new wardrobe for FREE is to have a clothing swap party.

I can’t speak highly enough of clothing swaps, especially in this economy. With the right group of people, it’s a fun and easy way to extend the life of clothing, clean out your closet and get “new” things to update your own wardrobe. Source


Here are some great tips and fun ideas for hosting your own FREE clothes swap…


Other Home Parties vs FREE Clothing Swaps

These days, people often avoid going to home parties because of the price tag attached.

Some examples:


Meanwhile, clothes swaps, fashion swap parties, naked lady parties, and clothing swaps are a great way for women to get together, have a bit of fun, go home with new items, without ever having to open up their wallets.

Now, that’s my kind of home party!




How To Host A FREE Clothing Swap Party

Regardless of what you call your clothing swap home party, there are several key elements you’ll want to be sure to include.

First of all, you do not need a consultant. You can easily organize the event on your own since there is nothing to sell. All you’re doing is encouraging people to bring clothing that they no longer want or need in exchange for items they might actually wear.

How many people should you invite? In order to ensure a good variety of clothes that people can pick from, 8 people is a manageable number, though anywhere from 3 to 20 is doable.

Invite friends who have great style, and try to make sure that you invite people who are the same size. If you have a very small or very large person in your group, then try to invite 2 or 3 other people who are about the same size. That way, everyone will have some items to choose from.

You may want to print up some cute clothing swap party invitations using your home computer and printer. Or, you could simply email your friends the details of your party. Evite and other free sites make the RSVP process even easier!

As the host of the party, you will want to provide some simple refreshments. (Wine and cheese is one example, but it’s completely up to you.) Simple refreshments at a clothing swap party. photo by Carolyn Coles on Flickr

Also, make sure that you have a private place where people can comfortably try on things. A full-size mirror is a necessity, of course.

Require that all clothing brought to the swap be stylish (no more than a couple years old) and in good shape with no visible damage.

Suggestions include:

  • Designer clothes that never looked right once you got them home
  • Gently worn items you once loved but don’t fit you well anymore
  • Formal clothing that was worn for a special occasion and not likely to be worn again
  • Jeans (We’ve all got a few favorite pairs of jeans that we wear most of the time. All non-favorites belong at a swap party.)
  • Business clothes that you don’t wear often
  • Seasonal accessories (hats, scarves, gloves, costume jewelry, handbags)


Having fun at a clothes swap party! photo by Carolyn Coles on FlickrLay ground rules for the clothing swap up front. For example, everyone should get a chance to look around and try on items before the actual claiming of clothes begins.

Have a plan for what you’ll do if 2 people want the same item, and make it clear in advance. Either let the 2 people work it out between themselves by compromising and possibly giving up something else they like in exchange. Or, turn “friendly disputes” into a group decision by taking a vote. Or, keep things completely impartial by simply flipping a coin.

Finally, a clothing swap is a FUN party, so enjoy it.

Encourage some friends to plan the next few clothing swaps after yours — maybe one at the start of each new season. Think of it as a “closet purge” since most of us go through our closets and toss items that we don’t wear or no longer fit at the start of each season. Plus, knowing that there will be clothing swaps in the near future will help to alleviate the minimal burden associated with hosting a clothing swap party (time and food costs). Of course, this also means lots more fun clothes to choose from in the months ahead!

When the swap is over, donate all of the items that no one wanted to a local charity (like Goodwill).


Find a clothing swap party (or advertise your own) here: Clothing Swap Meetups

You can also enjoy clothing swap parties without even leaving your home!  Clothes swapping websites like Rehash and Swapstyle make it possible:

Rehashing is a fashionable way for you to trade your clothing, accessories, and books with others online … By Rehashing, you can shop for clothes without spending a penny, all while helping the environment. Source


Swapstyle is an online fashion swap party where you can swap clothes, swap accessories, swap cosmetics, swap shoes and lots more with people from all around the world at any time, day or night. And it’s FREE!  Source



More About Clothing Swap Parties