I received two SunSilk coupons in the mail the other day. And they were the strangest looking store coupons I've ever seen. They were plastic cards -- just like credit cards -- and they resembled pre-paid gift cards or store gift certificates.
Should you shop Lowes or Home Depot for your DIY home improvement projects? Here's what I've learned about buying supplies from big home improvement stores.
I recently ordered 2 different magazines on the exact same days. One was ordered directly through the publisher, the other was via a 3rd party service. Here's what I learned...
I used to overspend all of the time when I went to the shopping mall. Now I save money and I'm sharing my best 7 tips to save money when going to the mall.
Now you can get 20 FREE 2-cent stamps -- with the photo of your choice on them! This is a great way to use up those old 39-cent stamps you still have lying around. See why I love Photo Stamps...
Should you buy things new or used? The truth is, it depends on what you're buying. Here are 10 things you should never buy new and 10 things you should never buy used, according to MSN money contributing writer, Liz Pulliam Weston.
Here are some little-known ways that you can save big when you're shopping -- both online and in stores. Check out these insider tips from the experts on how to shop smarter and save more money.
Even if you don't plan to participate in online shopping the Monday after Thanksgiving, you may want to be prepared for the fact that Internet speed may be significantly lagging on computers all across America, as a result of Cyber Monday.