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I have been a certified tightwad striving for financial freedom since I became pregnant with my first child -- and I decided to find a way to stay home with him full-time. I enjoy sharing my personal experiences in my journey back to financial health and planning for a future -- which will include sending 2 kids to college and early retirement.

We printed out some coupons from They offer specials when eating out at restaurants in your local area. Will I do it again?... Here's how it went for us.


Coupons are just brightly colored money, right? You can spend them at the grocery store and use them like money. But before you get too excited about store coupons, here are some things you need to know.

If you have a typical American family, like me, then there are some bad habits you may not even be aware of that are costing you serious money. Here are 5 bad habits that you should break to recoup some of your household budget...


Only purchase food items when they are on sale. And, if the sale is very good, make additional trips to the grocery store during that sale week. When it comes to purchasing meat, shop at each store based on the time when items are being marked down. The key is knowing when each store marks down its meat, bakery, and dairy items.

Infomercials are very popular for a reason: They work. I've found some problems over the years with buying from TV infomercials. Here's how to fight Infomercial Fever, and what you should know before you buy something from a television commercial.

You've seen it... try before you buy, 10-day trial period, try it first. But there's usually a catch! It happened to me. I am telling this story because I am noticing this tactic is being used more and more online. And while many people catch the trick and demand their money back, many do not ever notice.


Great tips for saving money on laundry day. It's one routine chore that we can all streamline a bit in order to save a few dollars when washing and drying our clothes.

Freegans are part of a movement of people that practices 'Freeganism' -- an alternative lifestyle that involves trying to spread the word of over consumerism while at the same time trying to get the things that they use in everyday life for free. Has anti-consumerism gone too far?


I may not make it a habit of searching secondhand clothes stores for my everyday wardrobe, but for those times when I do, I use these tips for buying secondhand clothes from consignment shops & thrift stores.