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Clothing And Shoes

Here's a HUGE list of items which have been dramatically marked down lately because of the economy and current recession woes. Now might be a good time to take advantage of these things.

Simple ways to keep your brain from telling you that it's okay to spend more than you really want to when you're out shopping.

Organize your home, save big money. See how organizing and decluttering your house actually saves you money in the long run.

If you're wondering how to save money on groceries consider bulk-buying, purchasing off-brand items, and follow the rest of these tips for saving money on groceries.

CostHelper tells you how much you should pay for what. The site consists of a database of hundreds of items, where you can investigate how much others are paying and find similar deals.

Not all stores in a factory outlet mall are outlet stores. Only a certain percentage of stores in a factory outlet mall need to be outlet stores in order for the mall to be considered an outlet mall. Here are even more reasons not to shop at factory outlet malls...

I seem to have developed a standard uniform for everyday dress. I am sure other frugal people can attest to this. For me, the frugal uniform consists of dressing primarily in comfortable black slacks and black or white shirts. For others, it may mean wearing jeans and t-shirts. I know a few frugal men who stick to gray and navy slacks with white shirts.

As I've become more and more frugal, I've also become more prone to collect clutter. My family members don't get it. So, to combat my family's nonchalant attitude about tossing out useful items, I have become a garbage snoop. Here are just a few of the things my family has forced me to do to save money...

A huge part of being thrifty for me is being natural. I find that when I focus on avoiding products that are toxic to either the environment or myself that I save a great deal of money. Here are some of the natural ways I use to save money...